VideoPoster IV with Wi-Fi extension

The successful, network-capable media player VideoPoster was recently updated to our latest hardware technology Artista-IoT and now includes an additional function:

VideoPoster-IV now supports Raspberry Pi’s official WLAN USB adapter which achieved the best performance results in internal comparison tests. As soon as the adapter is plugged into the USB port, the media player can easily be connected to Wi-Fi via the web interface.

The network connection adds many useful features to the <link _blank internal-link videoposter-iv>VideoPoster-IV. These include e.g. synchronizing time via NTP, full access to the web interface for configuring the media player or playlist uploads. In addition, you can use Distec’s ACC software to manage all media players in the network.

If, for example, you would like to operate a POS-Line monitor with VideoPoster-IV in rooms without any LAN connection, then you can now connect to the network via WLAN!

Please click here for more information on the <link _blank internal-link artista-iot>Artista IoT and <link https: products raspberry-pi-usb-wifi-dongle _blank external-link-new-window pi wi-fi usb>Raspberry Pi’s Wi-Fi USB adapter or <link mail pi wi-fi usb>contact us. We gladly advise you!